Giro d'Italia in South Tyrol

Notre équipe de rédaction s'efforce toujours de fournir des informations détaillées et précises. Toutefois, il est possible que des événements soient modifiés et que nous ne puissions pas les mettre à jour en temps réel. Vous obtiendrez des informations précises sur les dates, les heures et les programmes directement auprès de l'organisateur.
In 2025 the Giro d'Italia will not pass through South Tyrol! South Tyrol is generally a well-known and popular region for cyclists. There are cycle paths and trails of varying degrees of difficulty that are suitable for more or less challenging rides. This is also the reason why the most important cycling race in Italy often passes through South Tyrol!

In 2024, the Giro d'Italia will take place from 4 to 26 May, starting in Piemonte and finishing in Rome, where the race will end for the sixth time.

On 21 and 22 May, the Giro d'Italia will also stop in South Tyrol with stage 16 and 17. The riders will start in Livigno and ride to St. Christina in Gröden, namely to Monte Pana. The 202-kilometre stage begins with a climb over the Eira and Foscagno Passes, followed by Bormio. Attention: A change has been made to the 16th stage of the Giro due to the risk of avalanches. The Stelvio Pass (Cima Coppi) will be bypassed. Instead, the Giro will cross the Umbrail Pass.

The route then descends to Bozen, through the Vinschgau Valley and the Etschtal Valley. From Kardaun, the long ascent to Kastelruth and the Panider Sattel Pass begins again. After crossing St. Ulrich, the last kilometres of the ascent to Monte Pana in St. Christina in Gröden follow.

The next day, the 154-kilometre stage starts in Wolkenstein in Gröden and leads over the Sella Pass, the Rolle Pass and the Passo Gobbera to the Passo del Broccon in Trentino.

On these days, the roads of South Tyrol, through which the "Giro" runs, will be coloured pink and lined with enthusiastic fans – that is for sure!

Further information:
Organisateur: Giro d'Italia
  • ma 21. mai 2024
  • me 22. mai 2024
  • Wolkenstein in Gröden - Wolkenstein in Gröden
  • Monte Pana - St. Christina in Gröden
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Giro d'Italia

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