Südtirol Jazz Festival
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Probably it is the largest jazz festival throughout Europe! From the end of June to the beginning of July whole South Tyrol is marked by jazzy sounds.
Internationally famous jazz stars will perform countless concerts in Bozen, Brixen, Meran, Bruneck and Vinschgau. Therefore, the Südtirol Jazz Festival is really the Europe-wide largest event in this vein.
Finally, jazz music connects also the biggest cities in South Tyrol. But not only the geographical arrangement of the Jazz Festival is unique, also the topics, which coincide with the single venues, are very special.
In any case, jazz lovers should meet this jazz event in South Tyrol, because already the opening will be unforgettable.
Further information:
Südtirol Jazz Festival Alto AdigeCourrier électronique: info@suedtiroljazzfestival.com
Web: www.suedtiroljazzfestival.com
27.06.2025 - 06.07.2025
Various places in South Tyrol - Bozen
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