Krampus run in Sand in Taufers

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On 7th December 2024, the village Sand in Taufers is full of savages! Hundreds of sinister figures from all over the region are expected for the notorious Krampus run.

Then, during the night terrifying demons, devils and krampus with gruesomely masks walk abroad, they run through the streets and frighten everyone. 

In the past, the ear-battering, but in any case well worth seeing spectacle took place in Bruneck. But also the principal town of Tauferer Ahrntal turns out to be a suitable meeting point for devils and krampus. They are arriving not only from all over South Tyrol, but even from Austria and Germany in order to wear their elaborate costumes and hand-carved, precious masks

The event starts already in the afternoon with hot spiced wine and biscuits in the festival pavilion, where at 6:00 pm the infernal guises start their procession through the centre of town of Sand in Taufers. Afterwards, the evening continues with the popular Krampus party.

Further information:
Organisateur: Tourist Office Sand in Taufers
Rue: Josef-Jungmann-Straße 8
Lieu: I-39032 Sand in Taufers
Tél.: +39 0474 678 076
Courrier électronique:
Sur le site: samedi 07. décembre 2024
Heure: 18:00 - 23:59 Horloge
Village centre - Sand in Taufers
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