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HERO Südtirol Dolomites

Notre équipe de rédaction s'efforce toujours de fournir des informations détaillées et précises. Toutefois, il est possible que des événements soient modifiés et que nous ne puissions pas les mettre à jour en temps réel. Vous obtiendrez des informations précises sur les dates, les heures et les programmes directement auprès de l'organisateur.
Is there also a hero in you? You do not fear kilometres long bike tours, endless climbs and thousands of meters of difference in altitude? Are you ready for the absolute challenge?

Then you should go about the HERO Südtirol Dolomites! The hardest MTB race in the heart of Dolomites is scheduled for Saturday 14th June 2025. To the long-range race there are admitted only mountain bikers, and they can choose between three routes around Mt. Langkofel and Mt. Sella: 86 km and 4,500 m of difference in altitude, 71 km and 4,100 m of difference in altitude and 60 km and 3,200 m of difference in altitude. 

All routes are following the famous and at the same time eponymous Sellaronda, leading (on skis or bikes) around the massif of Mt. Sella. Start and end point is the village Wolkenstein in Gröden. In between, the participants have to cope with a more than challenging up and down of several Dolomites passes. Excellent fitness and staying power, thus real MTB-hero qualities, are indispensable conditions.

Further information:
Organisateur: Sport Association HERO
Tél.: +39 0471 773 033
Courrier électronique:
Sur le site: samedi 14. juin 2025
Heure: 07:10 Horloge
Around Mt. Sella and Langkofel - Wolkenstein in Gröden
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HERO Südtirol Dolomites

HERO Südtirol Dolomites

HERO Südtirol Dolomites

HERO Südtirol Dolomites

HERO Südtirol Dolomites

Infos sur les environs
