Dynafit Transalpine Run
Notre équipe de rédaction s'efforce toujours de fournir des informations détaillées et précises. Toutefois, il est possible que des événements soient modifiés et que nous ne puissions pas les mettre à jour en temps réel. Vous obtiendrez des informations précises sur les dates, les heures et les programmes directement auprès de l'organisateur.In 2025, many participants will again exceed personal borders during the famous crossing of the Alps. Adventure and passion for nature attract yearly numerous runners to cross over 3,000-meter-high mountain passes, enjoying a wonderful Alpine panorama.
During the race, the athletes run in teams of two or solo to seven different stages in the Alps. The Dynafit Transalpine Run is regarded as one of the most adventurous running events and to its participants it offers unforgettable experiences in front of a unique mountain scenery.
Of course, you can cheer the sportsmen on along their way or cheer them on at their final spurt. Don’t miss this special event and its varied supporting program!
This year, the race ends at Lake Reschen: this year's stage location in South Tyrol and also the finish of the final stage is Graun in Vinschgau.
Courrier électronique: info@transalpine-run.com
Web: transalpine-run.com