Pumpkin Days
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In Lana at the end of September, there will be presented countless pumpkin specialities and a varied supporting programme suitable for the motley autumn.
In this season the village near Meran is generally known for its fresh apples and the inns with real local flavour. But since some years also a versatile type of vegetable – the pumpkin – enriches the menu and the autumnal festival program in Lana.
So the weekend from 22 to 24 September 2023 is definitely marked by the tasty product: From sweet and salty pumpkin dishes, autumnal decoration, exhibitions to the sale of pumpkin products and other specialities of autumn – the Pumpkin Days in Lana fulfil nearly all wishes.
For three days in Lana, everything revolves around the pumpkin in all its variations. And we have a special programme with music, games and carved pumpkins. For children, there are a lot of surprises.
Further information:
Tourist office Lana near MeranRue: Andreas-Hofer-Straße 9/1
Lieu: I-39011 Lana
Tél.: +39 0473 561 770
Courrier électronique: info@lanaregion.it
Web: www.merano-suedtirol.it
22.09.2023 - 24.09.2023
Niederlana - Lana
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