Blossom Farm Festival
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The Blossom Farm Festival is one of the highlights of the “Lana in bloom” theme weeks in Lana and the surrounding area and delights lovers of tradition and history as well as spring fans and gourmets.
In the idyllic vineyards and orchards, which are typical for the region of Meran, we often come across wonderful old farms, noble country estates and other traditional buildings. At the “Blossom Farm Festival” on Sunday, 13 April 2025, some of these farms worth seeing will open their doors.
Exciting insights into house and farm, kitchen and cellar, history and present await the visitors. And because so much looking, listening and experiencing makes you hungry, typical farm products are served on site.
In addition, there will be an entertaining programme for young and old as well as a free shuttle service.
Further information:
Tourist office Lana near MeranRue: Andreas-Hofer-Straße 9/1
Lieu: I-39011 Lana
Tél.: +39 0473 561 770
Courrier électronique:
Sur le site: dimanche 13. avril 2025
Heure: 10:00 - 18:00 Horloge
Heure: 10:00 - 18:00 Horloge
Lana & environs - Lana
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