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Homecoming of livestock in Stefansdorf

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The annual homecoming of livestock in Stefansdorf means real South Tyrolean tradition and old festival culture!

Like in many other South Tyrolean villages, also in the peaceful place Stefansdorf, nearby the popular ski and hiking area Kronplatz, the traditional homecoming of livestock takes place. The farmers accompany their livestock from the alpine pastures back to the valley when autumn begins.

To express their thanks that everything had gone well throughout the whole summer, the village community celebrates a big party. From 12 noon you can enjoy typical South Tyrolean dishes and drinks on the fairground.

The real homecoming of livestock starts at 2 pm. Traditional decorated cows, calves, goats and horses cross the village. Interesting is not only the handmade decoration of the animals, but also the traditional costumes of the villagers.

The event offers countless regional delicacies, amusing music and good atmosphere. Those who are interested in history and tradition of the South Tyrolean farmers can watch the demonstration of old trade and housework practices.

Visit the homecoming of livestock in Stefansdorf and enjoy the unique hospitality and the love to traditions of the friendly village community!

Bruneck Kronplatz tourism
Bruneck Kronplatz tourism
Rathausplatz 7 - 39031 Bruneck
+39 0474 555722
Sur le site: samedi 07. octobre 2023
Heure: 12:00 Horloge
Village centre - Stefansdorf
Partage l'événement:

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