Training camp German national team
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A pleasant climate and fresh mountain air, an excellent cuisine, cordial hospitality and best service… South Tyrol offers perfect conditions – not only for a relaxing holiday, but also for intensive and successful training.
Maybe that is exactly what the people responsible of the German Football Association DFB thought, because they send their squad already for the fourth time to a training camp in South Tyrol. After 1990 and 2010, the German national soccer has again chosen the sunny village Eppan.
From 23rd May to 7th June – the current World Champions will prepare here for the upcoming football world championship in 2018, which starts in the middle of June in Russia. During their stay in Eppan, the team of Coach Joachim Löw will have accommodation at the Hotel Weinegg in Girlan near Eppan and they will train in Rungg sport centre.
Further information:
Tourist Office EppanRue: Bahnhofstraße 7
Lieu: I-39057 St. Michael-Eppan
Tél.: +39 0471 662 206
Courrier électronique:
23.05.2018 - 07.06.2018
Eppan - Eppan an der Weinstraße
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