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Alpine Advent carol concert

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During the magical pre-Christmas time, the Singkreis Runkelstein organises Alpine Advent carol concerts in Bozen.

The Singkreis Runkelstein gives Alpine Advent carol concerts with traditional Advent and Christmas songs in South Tyrol. This year, the event takes place on 30 November 2024 at 3:30 and 6:30 pm in the Franciscan church in Bozen.

The Singkreis Runkelstein contributes to a particularly magical pre-Christmas spirit with Alpine Advent carols, together with other musicians.

The carols are performed following a varied programme. You may look forward to very special and traditional performances!

Further information:
Organisateur: Singkreis Runkelstein
Courrier électronique:
Sur le site: samedi 30. novembre 2024
Franciscan Church - Bozen
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Pixabay/Ralf Oreskovic

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