Meran Old Town Festival
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Every two years, Meran is the setting of celebration: From Friday afternoon until Sunday evening, local residents and guests are offered fun and entertainment on the traditional Meran Old Town Festival.
From 10th to 12th August 2018, the local associations spoil all visitors with culinary delights and cool drinks in the magical historical centre of Meran. The variety of music group makes sure that there will be something for any taste. As well, kids enjoy a varied entertainment programme – everybody will enjoy the festival to the full.
Excellent music, delicious food and good spirits: The Meran Old Town Festival is a cheerful summer festival with a wonderful atmosphere.
Further information:
Tourist Office MeranRue: Freiheitstraße 45
Lieu: I-39012 Meran
Tél.: +39 0473 272 000
Courrier électronique:
10.08.2018 - 12.08.2018
Town centre - Meran
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