Markus market in Auer

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The traditional "Markus" market in the idyllic wine town Auer in Southern South Tyrol is held every year.

The Markus market in Southern South Tyrol is always a big event for locals and for guests. It has been existing since the 18th century and has always been held on 25 April.

At its beginnings, the market’s main purpose was the livestock trade. Nowadays, you will hardly find some animals, but any other useful things you can imagine. More than 200 stalls are spread over the main square of Auer and the surrounding streets, and many of them offer local delicacies.

The curious rarity hunters try their luck early in the morning. After their exhausting tour, they need a bracing, South Tyrolean style breakfast. Around 10 o'clock, the so called “Frühschoppen” begins, where veal sausages, pretzels and Weißbier are served.

Further information:
Organisateur: Castelfeder Soc. Coop.
Rue: Hauptplatz 5
Lieu: I-39040 Auer
Tél.: +39 0471 810 231
Courrier électronique:
Sur le site: vendredi 25. avril 2025
Heure: 08:00 - 18:00 Horloge
Village centre - Auer
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