Dumpling Feast in Sterzing
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In South Tyrol sooner ore later you will surely meet with a very special dish: dumplings! With bacon, cheese, spinach, liver, curd, apricots, strawberries, sweet, salty, with soup, sauce, coleslaw…
We have nearly countless types of dumplings, and they are something like a symbol of the region. If you would like to know more about South Tyrol’s dumpling variety, we recommend you the Dumpling Festival in Sterzing, where you will have the possibility to taste a really huge selection of dumpling dishes.
During this festival that takes place on the second weekend in September, the dumplings aren’t served in restaurants and inns, but on a long table row in the town centre. There you can order all kinds of dumplings – from the classical ones with bacon, goulash or cabbage salad through spinach dumplings with Gorgonzola sauce or sweet ones with curd, nougat and fruits.
Further information:
Tourism Cooperative Sterzing - Pfitsch - FreienfeldRue: Stadtplatz 3
Lieu: I-39049 Sterzing
Tél.: +39 0472 765 325
Courrier électronique: info@sterzing.com
Web: www.sterzing.com
Sur le site: dimanche 14. septembre 2025
Heure: 11:00 - 18:00 Horloge
Heure: 11:00 - 18:00 Horloge
Town center - Sterzing
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