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Latemar Mountain Race

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Latemar Mountain Race & Latemar Trail Experience - run in the legendary mountains of the Dolomites!

On 15th September 2024, the Latemar Mountain Race, also known as the Latemarun, will take place. In addition to the Latemar Mountain Race, which has been added to the CSI calendar, there will be a shorter course with less altitude difference, the Latemar Trail Experience.

The start for both routes is in Pampeago at an altitude of 1,750 metres, near the starting point of the ski lift. The Latemar Mountain Run has a length of 25 km and a difference in altitude of 1,680 metres, while the Latemar Trail Experience is "only" 15 km long and has a difference in altitude of 730 metres. The two routes unite on the way to the Meierl Hut, where the last refreshment point is located, providing energy for the last 3 km of the race to the finish in Pampeago. Along the route, you will enjoy a unique view of the Latemar mountains, which will at least partially reward you for your effort. 

Registration is possible online for both competitions. A sports medical certificate is required for participation in the competitions.


Saturday, 14th September 2024

  • from 14.00 to 18.00 h: Handing in of race numbers, chip and starting documents at the race office in Pampeago.

Sunday, 15th September 2024

  • 7:00 am: Handing in of start numbers, chips and starting documents at the race office in Pampeago.
  • 8:30 am: Roll call for the start, check-in of the athletes and race briefing.
  • 9:00 am: Start of Latemar Mountain Race and Latemar Trail Experience
  • 12:30 pm: Start of the pasta party
  • 3:00 pm: Award ceremony
Further information:
Courrier électronique:
Sur le site: dimanche 15. septembre 2024
Heure: 09:00 Horloge
Pampeago - Obereggen
Partage l'événement:

Latemar Mountain race

Latemar Mountain Race

Infos sur les environs
