Château de Runkelstein
On évolue ici sur un terrain inégal et surtout historique : les pavés et les murs de délimitation du chemin escarpé datent de la même époque que la construction du château, à savoir du 13e siècle. À l'époque, un château a été érigé en haut du rocher de porphyre de Runkelstein pour contrôler les échanges commerciaux entre Bolzano et le Sarentino.
Au 14ème siècle, les marchands de Bolzano Franz et Niklaus Vandoies ont acquis le château. Afin de démontrer leur cosmopolitisme et de se rapprocher de la noblesse, ils commandèrent la peinture de fresques artistiques. Elles font aujourd'hui partie du plus grand cycle de fresques conservé du Moyen Âge. Les fresques représentent des scènes de la vie quotidienne des dames de la cour et des chevaliers, des tournois et des moments de chasse. Il n'est donc pas étonnant que le château soit aussi appelé château d'images.
En été, de nombreuses manifestations musicales ont lieu dans la cour du château et des représentations théâtrales sont également au programme. Pour les amateurs de culture, une visite du château est incontournable. Runkelstein se trouve à l'entrée du Sarentino, près de Bolzano, dans le Tyrol du Sud, et est accessible par un chemin pédestre court mais escarpé. Des navettes conduisent également au château depuis le parking situé le long de la route.
Plus d'infos & horaires d'ouverture :
Château de Runkelstein
Kaiser-Franz-Josef Weg, I-39100 Bolzano
Tél. : +39 0471 329808
E-mail : runkelstein@runkelstein.info
Web : runkelstein.info

The Medieval castle near Bozen is situated at the entrance of Sarntal valley and can be reached by a steep footpath. It accommodates the largest preserved cycle of frescoes of the Middle Ages. In summer, there are many events in the castel courtyard.
Internet Consulting - Fabian Auer
The Medieval castle near Bozen is situated at the entrance of Sarntal valley and can be reached by a steep footpath. It accommodates the largest preserved cycle of frescoes of the Middle Ages. In summer, there are many events in the castel courtyard.
Internet Consulting - Fabian Auer
The Medieval castle near Bozen is situated at the entrance of Sarntal valley and can be reached by a steep footpath. It accommodates the largest preserved cycle of frescoes of the Middle Ages. In summer, there are many events in the castel courtyard.
Internet Consulting - Fabian Auer
The Medieval castle near Bozen is situated at the entrance of Sarntal valley and can be reached by a steep footpath. It accommodates the largest preserved cycle of frescoes of the Middle Ages. In summer, there are many events in the castel courtyard.
Internet Consulting - Fabian Auer
The Medieval castle near Bozen is situated at the entrance of Sarntal valley and can be reached by a steep footpath. It accommodates the largest preserved cycle of frescoes of the Middle Ages. In summer, there are many events in the castel courtyard.
Internet Consulting - Fabian Auer
The Medieval castle near Bozen is situated at the entrance of Sarntal valley and can be reached by a steep footpath. It accommodates the largest preserved cycle of frescoes of the Middle Ages. In summer, there are many events in the castel courtyard.
Internet Consulting - Fabian Auer
The Medieval castle near Bozen is situated at the entrance of Sarntal valley and can be reached by a steep footpath. It accommodates the largest preserved cycle of frescoes of the Middle Ages. In summer, there are many events in the castel courtyard.
Internet Consulting - Fabian Auer
The Medieval castle near Bozen is situated at the entrance of Sarntal valley and can be reached by a steep footpath. It accommodates the largest preserved cycle of frescoes of the Middle Ages. In summer, there are many events in the castel courtyard.
Internet Consulting - Fabian AuerChâteaux forts & châteaux
Hébergements sélectionnés in Bozen

- Next to the fair centre of Bozen
- Air-conditioned seminar room
- Garden with pool
- Wellness area
- Breakfast on the terrace/conservatory