Musée Mansio Sebatum
La région de San Lorenzo di Sebato était déjà peuplée à l'âge du fer et s'est développée au cours de l'Antiquité pour devenir une station routière romaine assez importante, qui portait le nom de Mansio Sebatum.
Ceux qui souhaitent en savoir plus sur cette époque, sur la tribu des Saevates, sur l'histoire de la colonisation du Val Pusteria et sur les Romains à San Lorenzo ont, en plus de l'Antiquarium existant dans la maison communale, un nouveau lieu d'accueil depuis fin septembre 2011 : le musée Mansio Sebatum dans l'ancienne mairie sur la place du village.
Trois étages d'histoire
Sur trois étages, les visiteurs sont envoyés dans un voyage passionnant dans le passé, lorsque le petit village de marché au centre du Val Pusteria est devenu une station de repos pour les Romains. De nombreux objets vieux d'environ 2 000 ans, découverts directement à San Lorenzo di Sebato et dans ses environs, ainsi que des stations multimédias et interactives illustrent l'histoire de manière particulière.
Au premier étage, les visiteurs apprennent tout sur l'âge du fer, le royaume celte de Noricum, la tribu des Saevates et la construction de routes par les Romains. L'exposition du 2e étage porte sur la vie et le travail à Mansio Sebatum, tandis que le 3e étage présente le monde des dieux romains, les rites funéraires et les croyances populaires.
En outre, un sentier archéologique thématique permet de poursuivre la recherche de traces en plein air et de visiter des fouilles et des témoins du passé autour du village et sur la Sonnenburger Kopf (où se trouve également le château de Sonnenburg ).
Plus d'infos & horaires d'ouverture :
Musée Mansio Sebatum
Renzler Straße 9 - I-39030 San Lorenzo di Sebato
Tél. : +39 0474 538 196
Courrier électronique : info@mansio-sebatum.it
Web : mansio-sebatum.it


St. Lorenzen was an important Roman street station with the name Mansio Sebatum. In the homonymous museum in the village centre, you can see findings from different eras discovered in the municipal area during excavations.
Museum Mansio Sebatum - Caroline Renzler
St. Lorenzen was an important Roman street station with the name Mansio Sebatum. In the homonymous museum in the village centre, you can see findings from different eras discovered in the municipal area during excavations.
Museum Mansio Sebatum - Caroline Renzler
St. Lorenzen was an important Roman street station with the name Mansio Sebatum. In the homonymous museum in the village centre, you can see findings from different eras discovered in the municipal area during excavations.
Museum Mansio Sebatum - Caroline Renzler
St. Lorenzen was an important Roman street station with the name Mansio Sebatum. In the homonymous museum in the village centre, you can see findings from different eras discovered in the municipal area during excavations.
Museum Mansio Sebatum - Caroline Renzler
St. Lorenzen was an important Roman street station with the name Mansio Sebatum. In the homonymous museum in the village centre, you can see findings from different eras discovered in the municipal area during excavations.
Museum Mansio Sebatum - Caroline Renzler
St. Lorenzen was an important Roman street station with the name Mansio Sebatum. In the homonymous museum in the village centre, you can see findings from different eras discovered in the municipal area during excavations.
Museum Mansio Sebatum - Caroline Renzler
St. Lorenzen was an important Roman street station with the name Mansio Sebatum. In the homonymous museum in the village centre, you can see findings from different eras discovered in the municipal area during excavations.
Museum Mansio Sebatum - Caroline Renzler
St. Lorenzen was an important Roman street station with the name Mansio Sebatum. In the homonymous museum in the village centre, you can see findings from different eras discovered in the municipal area during excavations.
Museum Mansio Sebatum - Caroline Renzler
St. Lorenzen was an important Roman street station with the name Mansio Sebatum. In the homonymous museum in the village centre, you can see findings from different eras discovered in the municipal area during excavations.
Museum Mansio Sebatum - Caroline Renzler
St. Lorenzen was an important Roman street station with the name Mansio Sebatum. In the homonymous museum in the village centre, you can see findings from different eras discovered in the municipal area during excavations.
Museum Mansio Sebatum - Caroline Renzler
St. Lorenzen was an important Roman street station with the name Mansio Sebatum. In the homonymous museum in the village centre, you can see findings from different eras discovered in the municipal area during excavations.
Museum Mansio Sebatum - Caroline Renzler
St. Lorenzen was an important Roman street station with the name Mansio Sebatum. In the homonymous museum in the village centre, you can see findings from different eras discovered in the municipal area during excavations.
Museum Mansio Sebatum - Caroline Renzler
St. Lorenzen was an important Roman street station with the name Mansio Sebatum. In the homonymous museum in the village centre, you can see findings from different eras discovered in the municipal area during excavations.
Museum Mansio Sebatum - Caroline RenzlerCliquez sur le lien correspondant dans l'e-mail pour terminer votre inscription.
Hébergements sélectionnés in St. Lorenzen

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We are a small-sized hotel with very friendly employees striving to make our guests’ holiday as unforgettable as possible. This is what we stand for.

Luxurious suites and comfortable apartments in historical premises with pool, saunas, large playground and zoo.

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- Traditional cuisine
- Spacious rooms and suites
- Swimming pool, whirlpool and saunas