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‘s Terner Schmelzpfandl

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Unique, authentic, genuine! The specialty weeks “‘s Terner Schmelzpfandl” in Terenten offer typical dishes and traditions of the region.

Terenten is a very sunny village and at the same time the “granary” of the Pustertal valley. With the project “’s Terner Schmelzpfandl” it invites to discover, experience and enjoy its specialities and traditions.

From springtime to autumn, there are organized different events which give an insight into the rural culture: In the spring it’s time for sowing; in the summer, there take place the Mill Festival (04.08.2024) and the Harvest Time (15.08.2024).

The highlight of this series of events in Terenten is the “welcome autumn” (12.10.2024) and the speciality week called “Terner Bauernkuchl” (18.-29.10.2024), when farmers and restaurants dish up typical food.

The programme also includes exhibitions of historical, rural tools, visits to mills and farms, guided hiking tours or baking bread in the old stone oven of the village.

Further information:
Organisateur: Tourist Office Terenten
Rue: St. Georgs-Straße 1
Lieu: I-39030 Terenten
Tél.: +39 0472 546 140
Courrier électronique:
18.10.2024 - 27.10.2024
Terenten & environs - Terenten
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Tourismusverein Terenten

Tourismusverein Terenten

Internet Consulting - Stefan T.

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