Honey festival Brixen
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The ancient Egyptians have already understood that honey is much more than just a natural sweetener. The liquid gold was considered to be a magic elixir, as Gods’ food and as the source of immortality. Nowadays, its natural and soothing nutrients are still perfectly known and ensure divine pleasures.
The South Tyrolean honey festival is dedicated to South Tyrolean quality honey. Bee-keepers from various regions show their treasures and invite to taste the delicious products. Experience the huge variety and let yourself be guided by the swarm of different luscious experiences.
Several hosts offer a varied programme that is surrounded by charming tunes - on both days from 10 am to 6 pm.
Rue: Regensburger Allee 9
Lieu: I-39042 Brixen
Tél.: +39 0472 275 252
Courrier électronique: info@brixen.org
Web: www.brixen.org
Heure: 10:00 - 18:00 Horloge