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Cortina-Toblach Run

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“I wanted to share the special emotions while running through this enchanting area with other runners” – said Gianni Poli, the “inventor” of the Cortina-Toblach Run, who discovered this route in 1988 during his preparation for the Boston marathon.

Today the participants run along the closed railroad line that once connected the two villages, Cortina d’Ampezzo and Toblach. The starting point for the 30 kilometres long route is Cortina. On the way to Toblach the runners have to manage the altitude difference to the highest point on the mountain pass Climabanche (1,530 m), but they come by a very varied landscape. 

For example, the participants are in the vicinity of the famous Three Peaks, and they pass the lakes Toblach and Landro. By the way: In this area every first Sunday in February there takes place a 13.5 km long cross-country ski race in the opposite direction, from Toblach to Cortina.

Further information:
Organisateur: A.S.D. F.O.R. Foundation Organization Running
Rue: Dolomitenstraße 26
Lieu: I-39034 Toblach
Tél.: +39 320 44 86 783
Courrier électronique:
Sur le site: dimanche 01. juin 2025
Heure: 09:00 Horloge
Cortina-Toblach - Toblach
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Cortina-Toblach Run

Cortina-Toblach Run

Cortina-Toblach Run

Cortina-Toblach Run

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