Trouver un logement & demander sans engagement
from 135 €
Hotel Edelweiss
Holiday paradise | Meransen in Eisacktal
from 130 €
Wanderhotel Jaufentalerhof
Breath-taking mountain world | Ratschings in Eisacktal
from 52 €
Appartement Hotel Gurnatsch
Ferienwohnung | Vals in Eisacktal
from 80 €
Pension Sonnenhof
Familiar atmosphere | Meransen in the Eisacktal
from 124 €
Naturhotel Rainer
Hiking Hotel | Ratschings in Eisacktal

Vacances à Racines

Racines est une vaste commune du Tyrol du Sud qui comprend trois vallées alpines : la vallée de Ridnaun, la vallée de Ratsching et la vallée de Giovo avec le col de Jaufen. Les lieux de vacances qui font partie de Ratschines offrent un calme reposant et des expériences proches de la nature au milieu d'un imposant décor de montagnes avec de nombreux sommets de plus de 3000 mètres.

À Racines, chaque vacancier trouvera sa vallée préférée pour des vacances détendues à la montagne - de la vallée de Ratsching , idéale pour les familles, à la vallée idyllique de Jaufen, en passant par la vallée de Ridnaun, très variée. Particulièrement chouette : Racines mise sur le tourisme doux et est membre d' Alpine Pearls. Cette association de stations de vacances dans les Alpes mise sur la durabilité et la mobilité écologique.

Gilfenklamm/Gola di Stanghe
Gilfenklamm/Gola di Stanghe

Amazing waterfalls of Gilfenklamm/Gola di Stanghe

Tourismusverein Ratschings
Ski area Ratschings-Jaufen
Ski area Ratschings-Jaufen

Ski area Ratschings-Jaufen

Skigebiet Ratschings-Jaufen
Ski area Ratschings-Jaufen
Ski area Ratschings-Jaufen

Ski area Ratschings-Jaufen

Skigebiet Ratschings-Jaufen
Gilfenklamm/Gola di Stanghe
Gilfenklamm/Gola di Stanghe

Amazing waterfalls of Gilfenklamm/Gola di Stanghe

Tourismusverein Ratschings
Gilfenklamm/Gola di Stanghe
Gilfenklamm/Gola di Stanghe

Amazing waterfalls of Gilfenklamm/Gola di Stanghe

Tourismusverein Ratschings
Ski area Ratschings-Jaufen
Ski area Ratschings-Jaufen

Ski area Ratschings-Jaufen

Skigebiet Ratschings-Jaufen
Ski area Ratschings-Jaufen
Ski area Ratschings-Jaufen

Ski area Ratschings-Jaufen

Skigebiet Ratschings-Jaufen
Gilfenklamm/Gola di Stanghe
Gilfenklamm/Gola di Stanghe

Amazing waterfalls of Gilfenklamm/Gola di Stanghe

Tourismusverein Ratschings
Gilfenklamm/Gola di Stanghe
Gilfenklamm/Gola di Stanghe

Amazing waterfalls of Gilfenklamm/Gola di Stanghe

Tourismusverein Ratschings
Ski area Ratschings-Jaufen
Ski area Ratschings-Jaufen

Ski area Ratschings-Jaufen

Skigebiet Ratschings-Jaufen
Gilfenklamm/Gola di Stanghe
Gilfenklamm/Gola di Stanghe

Amazing waterfalls of Gilfenklamm/Gola di Stanghe

Tourismusverein Ratschings
Gilfenklamm/Gola di Stanghe
Gilfenklamm/Gola di Stanghe

Amazing waterfalls of Gilfenklamm/Gola di Stanghe

Tourismusverein Ratschings
Gilfenklamm/Gola di Stanghe
Gilfenklamm/Gola di Stanghe

Amazing waterfalls of Gilfenklamm/Gola di Stanghe

Tourismusverein Ratschings
Gilfenklamm/Gola di Stanghe
Gilfenklamm/Gola di Stanghe

Amazing waterfalls of Gilfenklamm/Gola di Stanghe

Tourismusverein Ratschings
Gilfenklamm/Gola di Stanghe
Gilfenklamm/Gola di Stanghe

Amazing waterfalls of Gilfenklamm/Gola di Stanghe

Tourismusverein Ratschings

Paradis des sports de montagne en été et en hiver

Qu'il s'agisse d'une randonnée plus courte à travers les gorges de Burkhard ou de Gilfen ou d'une randonnée plus longue à travers les sept lacs, ces deux tours particulièrement beaux ne sont que deux exemples parmi une palette colorée de chemins de randonnée dans et autour de Racines. Tous ceux qui veulent prendre de la hauteur peuvent partir des refuges de montagne Becherhaus ou Müllerhütte, situés à plus de 3.100 m d'altitude, et atteindre les sommets convoités des Alpes de Stubai. Les vététistes ne manquent pas non plus d'itinéraires intéressants. Ainsi, le col de Jaufen est une destination très appréciée des vététistes et des cyclistes de course.

En hiver, les randonneurs à ski se réjouissent des sommets comme le Wetterspitze, et Racines offre également des itinéraires variés pour les randonneurs en raquettes et des pistes de ski de fond à l'enneigement garanti pour les skieurs de fond. Le domaine skiable de Racines-Jiovo est un centre de sports d'hiver idéal pour les familles, avec un funpark et une piste de luge. Après les activités sportives, les vacanciers, petits et grands, aiment s'arrêter dans un chalet d'alpage authentique.

Ridnaun Schneeberg Mine
Ridnaun Schneeberg Mine

Once, the Schneeberg Mine was the highest and longest mine of silver, lead and zinc in Europe. Today, you will look forward to a mining museum, an educational trail as well as show mine, that you can visit during a tour with the mine train.

Landesmuseum Bergbau
Ridnaun Schneeberg Mine
Ridnaun Schneeberg Mine

Once, the Schneeberg Mine was the highest and longest mine of silver, lead and zinc in Europe. Today, you will look forward to a mining museum, an educational trail as well as show mine, that you can visit during a tour with the mine train.

Armin Terzer - Landesmuseum Bergbau
Ridnaun Schneeberg Mine
Ridnaun Schneeberg Mine

Once, the Schneeberg Mine was the highest and longest mine of silver, lead and zinc in Europe. Today, you will look forward to a mining museum, an educational trail as well as show mine, that you can visit during a tour with the mine train.

Armin Terzer - Landesmuseum Bergbau
Ridnaun Schneeberg Mine
Ridnaun Schneeberg Mine

Once, the Schneeberg Mine was the highest and longest mine of silver, lead and zinc in Europe. Today, you will look forward to a mining museum, an educational trail as well as show mine, that you can visit during a tour with the mine train.

AlexFilz - Landesmuseum Bergbau
Ridnaun Schneeberg Mine
Ridnaun Schneeberg Mine

Once, the Schneeberg Mine was the highest and longest mine of silver, lead and zinc in Europe. Today, you will look forward to a mining museum, an educational trail as well as show mine, that you can visit during a tour with the mine train.

AlexFilz - Landesmuseum Bergbau
Ridnaun Schneeberg Mine
Ridnaun Schneeberg Mine

Once, the Schneeberg Mine was the highest and longest mine of silver, lead and zinc in Europe. Today, you will look forward to a mining museum, an educational trail as well as show mine, that you can visit during a tour with the mine train.

Armin Terzer - Landesmuseum Bergbau
Ridnaun Schneeberg Mine
Ridnaun Schneeberg Mine

Once, the Schneeberg Mine was the highest and longest mine of silver, lead and zinc in Europe. Today, you will look forward to a mining museum, an educational trail as well as show mine, that you can visit during a tour with the mine train.

Armin Terzer - Landesmuseum Bergbau
Ridnaun Schneeberg Mine
Ridnaun Schneeberg Mine

Once, the Schneeberg Mine was the highest and longest mine of silver, lead and zinc in Europe. Today, you will look forward to a mining museum, an educational trail as well as show mine, that you can visit during a tour with the mine train.

Armin Terzer - Landesmuseum Bergbau
Ridnaun Schneeberg Mine
Ridnaun Schneeberg Mine

Once, the Schneeberg Mine was the highest and longest mine of silver, lead and zinc in Europe. Today, you will look forward to a mining museum, an educational trail as well as show mine, that you can visit during a tour with the mine train.

Armin Terzer - Landesmuseum Bergbau
Ridnaun Schneeberg Mine
Ridnaun Schneeberg Mine

Once, the Schneeberg Mine was the highest and longest mine of silver, lead and zinc in Europe. Today, you will look forward to a mining museum, an educational trail as well as show mine, that you can visit during a tour with the mine train.

Armin Terzer - Landesmuseum Bergbau
Ridnaun Schneeberg Mine
Ridnaun Schneeberg Mine

Once, the Schneeberg Mine was the highest and longest mine of silver, lead and zinc in Europe. Today, you will look forward to a mining museum, an educational trail as well as show mine, that you can visit during a tour with the mine train.

Armin Terzer - Landesmuseum Bergbau
Ridnaun Schneeberg Mine
Ridnaun Schneeberg Mine

Once, the Schneeberg Mine was the highest and longest mine of silver, lead and zinc in Europe. Today, you will look forward to a mining museum, an educational trail as well as show mine, that you can visit during a tour with the mine train.

Armin Terzer - Landesmuseum Bergbau
Ridnaun Schneeberg Mine
Ridnaun Schneeberg Mine

Once, the Schneeberg Mine was the highest and longest mine of silver, lead and zinc in Europe. Today, you will look forward to a mining museum, an educational trail as well as show mine, that you can visit during a tour with the mine train.

Armin Terzer - Landesmuseum Bergbau
Ridnaun Schneeberg Mine
Ridnaun Schneeberg Mine

Once, the Schneeberg Mine was the highest and longest mine of silver, lead and zinc in Europe. Today, you will look forward to a mining museum, an educational trail as well as show mine, that you can visit during a tour with the mine train.

Armin Terzer - Landesmuseum Bergbau
Ridnaun Schneeberg Mine
Ridnaun Schneeberg Mine

Once, the Schneeberg Mine was the highest and longest mine of silver, lead and zinc in Europe. Today, you will look forward to a mining museum, an educational trail as well as show mine, that you can visit during a tour with the mine train.

Armin Terzer - Landesmuseum Bergbau
Ridnaun Schneeberg Mine
Ridnaun Schneeberg Mine

Once, the Schneeberg Mine was the highest and longest mine of silver, lead and zinc in Europe. Today, you will look forward to a mining museum, an educational trail as well as show mine, that you can visit during a tour with the mine train.

Armin Terzer - Landesmuseum Bergbau
Ridnaun Schneeberg Mine
Ridnaun Schneeberg Mine

Once, the Schneeberg Mine was the highest and longest mine of silver, lead and zinc in Europe. Today, you will look forward to a mining museum, an educational trail as well as show mine, that you can visit during a tour with the mine train.

Armin Terzer - Landesmuseum Bergbau
Ridnaun Schneeberg Mine
Ridnaun Schneeberg Mine

Once, the Schneeberg Mine was the highest and longest mine of silver, lead and zinc in Europe. Today, you will look forward to a mining museum, an educational trail as well as show mine, that you can visit during a tour with the mine train.

Armin Terzer - Landesmuseum Bergbau
Castle Wolfsthurn
Castle Wolfsthurn

Summer in Ratschings

Tourismusverein Ratschings

Des aventures pour toute la famille

Une aventure passionnante attend les enfants et les adultes dans le Bergbauwelt Ridannaun Schneeberg. L'exposition permanente donne un aperçu de la tradition minière locale et les visiteurs peuvent se sentir comme des mineurs lors de visites guidées passionnantes, qui vont de l'initiation à la journée en passant par la visite junior. La remarquable chapelle gothique Sainte-Madeleine a d'ailleurs elle aussi été construite par des mineurs.

Le parcours thématique "Bergerlebniswelt" près de la station supérieure de la télécabine Racines-Giovo permet aux enfants de découvrir la nature de manière ludique et les enthousiasme avec un toboggan géant. Ceux qui préfèrent la tranquillité peuvent visiter le musée régional de la chasse et de la pêche dans le château baroque de Wolfsthurn ou se rendre à Vipiteno, non loin de là. La belle ville des Fugger dans la haute vallée Isarco offre une ambiance médiévale et les plaisirs du shopping moderne dans le centre-ville historique.

Offres de vacances actuelles

from 110 €
Hotel & Spa Falkensteinerhof

Only 300 meters from the nearest ski slope incl. ski pass service at the hotel.

To the hotel


Skiing in Ratschings
Skiing in Ratschings

Skiing on the Ratschingser mountains.

Tourismusverein Ratschings
Summer in Sterzing-Ratschings
Summer in Sterzing-Ratschings

Unforgettable days in South Tyrol: hiking, cycling, rafting etc. In Sterzing-Ratschings, everyone will find what he likes the most.

Cross Country Skiing
Cross Country Skiing

winter landscape

Tourismusverein Ratschings
Mountain - Trekking
Mountain - Trekking

Trekking in Ratschings

Tourismusverein Ratschings
Winter landscape
Winter landscape

Sking in Ratschings

Tourismusverein Ratschings

View to Ratschings

Andreas Agne /
Winter in Ratschings
Winter in Ratschings

Cross-country skiing in Ratschings

Tourismusverein Ratschings
Trekking with children
Trekking with children

Trekking in Ratschings

Tourismusverein Ratschings
Ratschings in Eisacktal
Ratschings in Eisacktal

The skiing area Ratschings offers well-prepared slopes for beginners and advanced skiers.

Tourismusverein Ratschings
Winter in Ratschings
Winter in Ratschings

View of snow-covered Ratschings

Internet Consulting - Andreas Oberpertinger
Castle Wolfsthurn
Castle Wolfsthurn

Summer in Ratschings

Tourismusverein Ratschings

Attractions in Ratschings

Conseils sélectionnés

When it is cold outside...
Vitalpina Hotels Südtirol

...and cosy warmth awaits you inside. The Vitalpina Hotels Südtirol offer retreats where you can find peace and quiet – with an enchanting panorama.

To the hotels

Hébergements sélectionnés in Ratschings

Residence Priska - Ratschings in Eisacktal

Residence Priska

Ratschings in Eisacktal
4,6 Excellent

Cosy flats with wellness area open in the winter months, free admission to the Sterzing pool, activeCARD with numerous benefits included in the price.

à partir de 75 € par jour
Naturhotel Rainer - Ratschings in Eisacktal
Sustainability SVG

Naturhotel Rainer

Ratschings in Eisacktal
4,7 Excellent

We are small, but the surrounding nature makes us big!

à partir de 124 € par jour
Wellness Sporthotel Ratschings - Ratschings in Eisacktal

Wellness Sporthotel Ratschings

Ratschings in Eisacktal
4,6 Excellent

Directly next to the skiing area, culinary delicacies and a wonderful spa area

à partir de 130 € par jour
Pension Rosenheim - Ratschings in Eisacktal

Pension Rosenheim

Ratschings in Eisacktal
4,6 Excellent

Small family hotel close to the skiing and hiking area Ratschings in the Alps

à partir de 75 € par jour