Trouver un logement & demander sans engagement
from 89 €
Vital Hotel Ortlerspitz
Dreamlike holidays | St. Valentin auf der Haide in Vinschgau
from 48 €
Garni Appartement Almrausch
Bed & Breakfast | Mals in Vinschgau
from 114 €
Panoramahotel Watles
Varied activities | Mals in Vinschgau
from 65 €
Hotel Theiner
Holidays in the middle of nature | at Reschen pass in Vinschgau

Vacances à Mals dans le Val Venosta

Mals est une véritable mine d'or pour tous ceux qui se passionnent pour l'art, la culture et l'histoire. Après tout, Mals est l'une des plus anciennes colonies de tout le Tyrol du Sud.

View of Mals and Laatsch
View of Mals and Laatsch

In this photo autumn is at the beginning, gradually leaves and trees will be colored.

Internet Consulting - Patrick Kammerlander

L'offre culturelle comprend donc des fresques du début du Moyen-Âge ainsi que des tours défensives du Moyen-Âge et des églises romanes.

Mals se trouve dans la partie supérieure du Val Venosta et est entourée de la Malser Heide et des plus hautes montagnes des Alpes orientales. La Malser Heide est un paysage utilitaire unique dans l'espace alpin, avec des prairies et des champs de céréales traversés par des canaux d'irrigation (Waale).

La localité et ses nombreuses tours et tou relles se reconnaissent de loin : à la périphérie du village se dresse par exemple la tour de la chapelle Saint-Benoît, tandis qu'au centre du village se dressent la tour de style roman primitif de Saint-Martin, la tour de San Giovanni, la tour de Fröhlich et celle de l'église paroissiale.

Fröhlich Tower Mals
Fröhlich Tower Mals

At the beginning of the 14th century, this castle was the seat of the court.

Internet Consulting - Patrick Kammerlander
Parish church in Mals
Parish church in Mals

Maria Himmelfahrt parish church in Mals

Internet Consulting - Patrick Kammerlander
St. Benedikt church
St. Benedikt church

The Church of San Benedetto in Mals is one of the oldest churches in Europe.

Internet Consulting - Patrick Kammerlander
Abbey Marienberg
Abbey Marienberg

In the crypt of the monastery of Monte Maria there are frescoes with depictions of angels.

Internet Consulting - Patrick Kammerlander

Curiosités à Mals & environs

  • L'église Saint-Benoît de Mals a été construite au 8ème siècle et est l'une des plus anciennes églises d'Europe encore entièrement conservées aujourd'hui. À l'intérieur, des peintures murales carolingiennes datant du 9ème siècle ont été découvertes et comptent parmi les plus anciennes fresques d'Europe.
  • L'imposante tour de Joyeuse, haute de 33,5 mètres, était autrefois le donjon d'un château dont il ne reste aujourd'hui que quelques vestiges de murs. Au début du 14ème siècle, la tour était un siège de justice. Un escalier en bois permet d'accéder à une plate-forme d'observation.
  • L'église paroissiale de l'Assomption a été construite dès 1292, mais elle a été remaniée à plusieurs reprises et présente aujourd'hui des caractéristiques essentiellement gothiques.
  • L'église San Giovanni a été détruite par les Français dès 1799. Seul le magnifique clocher roman a été conservé. La nef a été transformée en bâtiment d'habitation.
  • Le monastère de Marienberg, situé à 1.340 m d'altitude, est l'abbaye bénédictine la plus haute d'Europe. Dans la crypte, on peut admirer de remarquables fresques romanes. L'abbaye abrite également un musée.
  • Le Tartscher Bühel est une colline près de Mals, où il y avait probablement déjà une colonie dans l'Antiquité. Lors de fouilles, on y a trouvé des pièces de monnaie romaines, des pierres de coffrage, des haches en fer et une corne de cerf vieille de 2 500 ans portant une inscription énigmatique. Aujourd'hui, une petite église romane se trouve sur la colline.

Offres de vacances actuelles

from 65 €
Landhaus Fux

Welcome to Vetzan in the warm Vinschgau Valley at the gates of Meran - with a beautiful relaxation & wellness area and an extensive vitality breakfast!

To the accommodation
from 144 €
Hotel Sand

Holidays in Vinschgau - Garden with 25 m sports pool & natural bathing pond, bike paths, countless hiking possibilities and much more.

To the hotel
Hiking area Watles
Hiking area Watles

Watles hiking area near Mals in Vinschgau awaits you with countless exciting attractions for small and big guests.

Frieder Blickle - Vinschgau Marketing
Watles skiing area
Watles skiing area

A skiing area at the borders of three countries (Austria, Switzerland and Italy) with sunny and well-prepared slopes for unforgettable winter holidays.

Touristik & Freizeit AG
Winter hikes on Watles
Winter hikes on Watles

On Watles near Mals there are wonderful hiking paths for the whole family also in winter.

IDM Südtirol - F. Blickle
Winter hikes on Watles
Winter hikes on Watles

Winter hike in the magical winter landscape ear Mals im Vinschgau

IDM Südtirol - F. Blickle
Watles skiing area
Watles skiing area

A skiing area at the borders of three countries (Austria, Switzerland and Italy) with sunny and well-prepared slopes for unforgettable winter holidays.

Filz Alex
Hiking area Watles
Hiking area Watles

Watles hiking area near Mals in Vinschgau awaits you with countless exciting attractions for small and big guests.

Frieder Blickle - Vinschgau Marketing
Hiking area Watles
Hiking area Watles

Watles hiking area near Mals in Vinschgau awaits you with countless exciting attractions for small and big guests.

Frieder Blickle - Vinschgau Marketing
Watles skiing area
Watles skiing area

A skiing area at the borders of three countries (Austria, Switzerland and Italy) with sunny and well-prepared slopes for unforgettable winter holidays.

Filz Alex
Watles skiing area
Watles skiing area

A skiing area at the borders of three countries (Austria, Switzerland and Italy) with sunny and well-prepared slopes for unforgettable winter holidays.

© Touristik & Freizeit AG
Hiking area Watles
Hiking area Watles

Watles hiking area near Mals in Vinschgau awaits you with countless exciting attractions for small and big guests.

Frieder Blickle - Vinschgau Marketing
Hiking area Watles
Hiking area Watles

Watles hiking area near Mals in Vinschgau awaits you with countless exciting attractions for small and big guests.

Frieder Blickle - Vinschgau Marketing
Watles skiing area
Watles skiing area

A skiing area at the borders of three countries (Austria, Switzerland and Italy) with sunny and well-prepared slopes for unforgettable winter holidays.

© Touristik & Freizeit AG
Watles skiing area
Watles skiing area

A skiing area at the borders of three countries (Austria, Switzerland and Italy) with sunny and well-prepared slopes for unforgettable winter holidays.

© Touristik & Freizeit AG
Hiking area Watles
Hiking area Watles

Watles hiking area near Mals in Vinschgau awaits you with countless exciting attractions for small and big guests.

Frieder Blickle - Vinschgau Marketing
Hiking area Watles
Hiking area Watles

Watles hiking area near Mals in Vinschgau awaits you with countless exciting attractions for small and big guests.

Frieder Blickle - Vinschgau Marketing
Watles skiing area
Watles skiing area

A skiing area at the borders of three countries (Austria, Switzerland and Italy) with sunny and well-prepared slopes for unforgettable winter holidays.

© Touristik & Freizeit AG
Watles skiing area
Watles skiing area

A skiing area at the borders of three countries (Austria, Switzerland and Italy) with sunny and well-prepared slopes for unforgettable winter holidays.

© Touristik & Freizeit AG
Hiking area Watles
Hiking area Watles

Watles hiking area near Mals in Vinschgau awaits you with countless exciting attractions for small and big guests.

Frieder Blickle - Vinschgau Marketing
Hiking area Watles
Hiking area Watles

Watles hiking area near Mals in Vinschgau awaits you with countless exciting attractions for small and big guests.

Frieder Blickle - Vinschgau Marketing
Watles skiing area
Watles skiing area

A skiing area at the borders of three countries (Austria, Switzerland and Italy) with sunny and well-prepared slopes for unforgettable winter holidays.

© Touristik & Freizeit AG
Watles skiing area
Watles skiing area

A skiing area at the borders of three countries (Austria, Switzerland and Italy) with sunny and well-prepared slopes for unforgettable winter holidays.

© Touristik & Freizeit AG
Hiking area Watles
Hiking area Watles

Watles hiking area near Mals in Vinschgau awaits you with countless exciting attractions for small and big guests.

Anja Schwarz - Touristik & Freizeit AG
Hiking area Watles
Hiking area Watles

Watles hiking area near Mals in Vinschgau awaits you with countless exciting attractions for small and big guests.

Roland Pernter - Touristik & Freizeit AG
Watles skiing area
Watles skiing area

A skiing area at the borders of three countries (Austria, Switzerland and Italy) with sunny and well-prepared slopes for unforgettable winter holidays.

© Touristik & Freizeit AG
Watles skiing area
Watles skiing area

A skiing area at the borders of three countries (Austria, Switzerland and Italy) with sunny and well-prepared slopes for unforgettable winter holidays.

© Touristik & Freizeit AG
Hiking area Watles
Hiking area Watles

Watles hiking area near Mals in Vinschgau awaits you with countless exciting attractions for small and big guests.

Günther Bernhart - Touristik & Freizeit AG
Hiking area Watles
Hiking area Watles

Watles hiking area near Mals in Vinschgau awaits you with countless exciting attractions for small and big guests.

Günther Bernhart - Touristik & Freizeit AG
Watles skiing area
Watles skiing area

A skiing area at the borders of three countries (Austria, Switzerland and Italy) with sunny and well-prepared slopes for unforgettable winter holidays.

© Touristik & Freizeit AG
Hiking area Watles
Hiking area Watles

Watles hiking area near Mals in Vinschgau awaits you with countless exciting attractions for small and big guests.

Winkler Reinhold - Touristik & Freizeit AG
Hiking area Watles
Hiking area Watles

Watles hiking area near Mals in Vinschgau awaits you with countless exciting attractions for small and big guests.

Winkler Reinhold - Touristik & Freizeit AG
Hiking area Watles
Hiking area Watles

Watles hiking area near Mals in Vinschgau awaits you with countless exciting attractions for small and big guests.

Winkler Reinhold - Touristik & Freizeit AG
Hiking area Watles
Hiking area Watles

Watles hiking area near Mals in Vinschgau awaits you with countless exciting attractions for small and big guests.

Winkler Reinhold - Touristik & Freizeit AG
Hiking area Watles
Hiking area Watles

Watles hiking area near Mals in Vinschgau awaits you with countless exciting attractions for small and big guests.

Frieder Blickle - Vinschgau Marketing
Hiking area Watles
Hiking area Watles

Watles hiking area near Mals in Vinschgau awaits you with countless exciting attractions for small and big guests.

Touristik & Freizeit AG
Hiking area Watles
Hiking area Watles

Watles hiking area near Mals in Vinschgau awaits you with countless exciting attractions for small and big guests.

Günther Bernhart - Touristik & Freizeit AG
Hiking area Watles
Hiking area Watles

Watles hiking area near Mals in Vinschgau awaits you with countless exciting attractions for small and big guests.

Frieder Blickle - Vinschgau Marketing

Actif en été & en hiver

Ceux qui préfèrent s'intéresser aux trésors de la nature trouveront également leur bonheur dans les environs de Mals. Ainsi, les nombreux sentiers de randonnée et pistes cyclables offrent régulièrement des panoramas impressionnants.

Les alpinistes et les grimpeurs seront ravis de découvrir les Alpes de l'Ötztal à l'est, le groupe Ortler au sud et le groupe Sesvenna à l'ouest de Mals. Les sentiers typiques des vallées invitent à des promenades et des randonnées agréables. Les familles se réjouissent de la région de randonnée de Watles, adaptée aux enfants, qui propose des activités passionnantes pour petits et grands.

Les vététistes et les cyclistes trouveront également leur compte dans le Haut-Vinschgau. D'innombrables pistes de différents niveaux de difficulté serpentent à travers le paysage pittoresque et la piste cyclable très appréciée qui longe l'ancienne voie romaine Via Claudia Augusta passe directement devant Mals.

En hiver, le domaine skiable de Watles, tout proche, attire les skieurs avec ses pistes de rêve et ses vues magnifiques. Les skieurs de fond, les randonneurs en raquettes et les amateurs de ski de randonnée sont également bien servis dans le paradis hivernal qui entoure Mals.


Mals im Vinschgau
Mals im Vinschgau

View of the centre of Mals im Vinschgau with Maria Himmelfahrt parish church

IDM Südtirol - F. Blickle
View of Mals im Vinschgau
View of Mals im Vinschgau

Also in winter, Mals im Vinschgau is a popular destination for active travellers.

IDM Südtirol - F. Blickle
St. Benedict church in Mals
St. Benedict church in Mals

The church in Mals was built in the 8th century. Its Romanesque tower dates back to the 12th century.

IDM Südtirol - F. Blickle
Winter hikes on Watles
Winter hikes on Watles

On Watles near Mals there are wonderful hiking paths for the whole family also in winter.

IDM Südtirol - F. Blickle

Schlinig near Mals at Erlebnisberg Watles

Touristik und Freizeit GmbH
St. Benedikt church
St. Benedikt church

The Church of San Benedetto in Mals is one of the oldest churches in Europe.

Internet Consulting - Patrick Kammerlander
View of Mals and Laatsch
View of Mals and Laatsch

In this photo autumn is at the beginning, gradually leaves and trees will be colored.

Internet Consulting - Patrick Kammerlander
Abbey of Marienberg
Abbey of Marienberg

The Abbey of Marienberg are run by the Benedictine monks and is located above Burgeis. The Abbey is the highest Benedictine monastery in Europe.

Internet Consulting - Patrick Kammerlander

St. Benedict Church

Campomalo /
Fröhlich Tower Mals
Fröhlich Tower Mals

At the beginning of the 14th century, this castle was the seat of the court.

Internet Consulting - Patrick Kammerlander
Parish church in Mals
Parish church in Mals

Maria Himmelfahrt parish church in Mals

Internet Consulting - Patrick Kammerlander

Attractions in Mals im Vinschgau

Hébergements sélectionnés in Mals im Vinschgau

Panoramahotel Watles - Mals im Vinschgau in Vinschgau

Panoramahotel Watles

Mals im Vinschgau in Vinschgau
4,8 Excellent

Breathtaking views, wellness oasis with indoor pool & panoramic relaxation room, first-class cuisine, excellent guest service, ideal starting point for a variety of hiking & biking tours.

à partir de 108 € par jour
Sporthotel St. Michael - Mals im Vinschgau in Vinschgau

Sporthotel St. Michael

Mals im Vinschgau in Vinschgau
4,6 Excellent

The perfect place for relaxing holidays! Comfortable and spacious rooms, wellness area with pool, saunas, fitness room and solarium, countless activities in the environs.

à partir de 70 € par jour
Garni Appartement Almrausch - Mals im Vinschgau in Vinschgau

Garni Appartement Almrausch

Mals im Vinschgau in Vinschgau
4,6 Excellent

Comfortable rooms & apartments, large garden with kids’ playground, rich breakfast, Südtirol Guest Pass inclusive – ideal for active travellers & families!

à partir de 48 € par jour